Our Success Stories
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Our Success Stories
Lifeback Tax has been successfully achieving debt relief for our clients all across the United States for 10 years! The clients represented in the image above are just a few examples of the many cases we have settled for our qualified clients.

The following pages are some recent cases that we’ve completed for our clients. For each case, the first page shows the Official IRS letter addressed to our enrolled agent, the person working on the case, and our business address. The second page is the settlement acceptance letter from the IRS or State, with the Date the letter was sent to us. It shows that our offer for the settlement was accepted and approved. The third page shows the settlement amount that was accepted and the remaining balance due on the account. You can follow the big long arrows to easily see the relevant information. We’ve blacked out some personal information to protect our clients.

Shelley H. owed the state of Maryland over $251k. Her case was settled for ONLY $12,000!

Charles S. owed the state of Maryland over $485k in sales and use tax. We settled his entire case for $50,000!

Javier F. owed the IRS over $32K. His case was placed on a Partial Pay Installment Agreement of $50 a month. Javier will only pay the IRS in total $4,200, saving over $27k in back taxes!

A. Jones owed the Internal Revenue Service over $15,751. Lifeback Tax Relief settled the entire case for $1.00!

Edward B. owed the Internal Revenue Service over $57,000. Lifeback Tax Relief settled the entire case for $4,131!

Ofelia C. owed the Internal Revenue Service over $28,000. Lifeback Tax Relief settled the entire case for $25!

Raquel D. owed the California Department of Tax Fee Administration (CDTFA) for sales tax $53,000. Lifeback Tax Relief settled the entire debt for $2,500!

Marilyn owed the IRS $434k, Lifeback Tax Relief settled the entire debt for $1.00!

Stephen C. owed the IRS over $47,000. Lifeback Tax Service Inc settled the entire debt for $3,676!

Delmy S. owed the IRS over $58,000. Lifeback Tax Service Inc settled the entire debt for $2,879!

J. & V. Newsome owed the IRS over $56,000. Lifeback Tax settled their entire tax debt for $1,000.

Paula M. owed the Franchise Tax Board (California) over $58,000. Lifeback Tax settled the entire debt for $1,000.

Jhon A owed the Internal Revenue Service over 188K. Lifeback Tax Relief settled the entire case for $1.00!

Steven owed the Internal Revenue Service over 105K. Lifeback Tax Relief settled the entire case for $1.00!

Reynaldo owed the IRS over $60K, Partial Payment Installment Agreement (PPIA) established for only $25.00, expected saving over 59K

Greg L. owed the Franchise Tax Board over $47,000. Lifeback Tax Relief settled his entire case for $12,000!

Mr. Yan owed the West Virginia (WV) over $47,000, offer
accepted for $2800.00 - thats
Client Saving Over $44,000

Pablo owed the Internal Revenue Service over $16,000. Lifeback Tax Relief settled his entire case for $204!